Last June, Urooj Khan literally jumped for joy as he stood in a Far North Side 7-Eleven, having just learned he held a $1 million-winning instant lottery ticket.
Less than a month later, Khan, 46, died at his West Rogers Park home — of apparent hardening of the arteries. But now, Khan’s death has been reclassified as a homicide, and investigators say he died from cyanide poisoning.
Cook County Medical Examiner Stephen Cina says an initial exam initially found Urooj Khan died of natural causes, however a relative asked officials to investigate further.
Following a full toxicology test, it was revealed Khan ingested a deadly amount of cyanide and his death was re-classified as a homicide.
Khan died on July 20, one day after collecting the $425,000 lump sum for his $1 million lottery win.
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