
Monday, January 7, 2013

A youthful boy killed his neo-Nazi dad

A young boy killed his neo-Nazi dad is blaming it on the show "unlawful Minds." On 07.01.2013 the young boy saw an episode of Criminal Minds where a young boy killed his abusive father and didn't get in any trouble. Because of this case, he thought that he could get away with it.

The boy was only ten years old when he killed his father and at this time he is being tried as a juvenile. They haven't even released his name yet because of his age. His young sister lied at first about it saying that their step-mom told him to do it, but she later changed her story.

The young boy says he killed his neo-Nazi dad to stop abuse that was going on in their home. He is going to be given a mental health evaluation. They want to see if at the young age of ten he really knew what he was doing when he shot his dead.

Does it shock you that he used the show "Criminal Minds" as an excuse? Sound off in the comments below.

If the murder allegations are found true, he could remain in custody until his is 23. For that to happen, a judge must find the boy knew his actions were wrong at the time of the shooting.

Early on the morning of May 1, 2011, the child shot a sleeping Hall—using his father's .357 magnum revolver.

The Times is not releasing the boy’s name because he is a juvenile.

The prosecution has argued that the child knew his actions were wrong. Hall's white supremacist background did not play a factor in the shooting, and the child was violent prior to Hall's membership in the National Socialist Movement, the prosecution said.

But the boy's public defender has argued the child's sense of right and wrong were clouded by the household he grew up in, where guns were easily accessible and the boy endured frequent beatings.

According to the Press-Enterprise, the boy said he didn't think he would be punished because he watched an episode of the CBS crime drama "Criminal Minds." In that episode, he said, a boy killed his abusive father and was not arrested.

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