
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Cyanide poisoning killed lottery winner

 Urooj Khan had sworn off playing the lottery after he took an Islamic pilgrimage to the Middle East in 2010, but as he stood in a 7-Eleven near his home on Chicago's Far North Side this summer, he lost his will for a moment, handing over $60 to buy two instant-game tickets.

Last June, Urooj Khan literally jumped for joy as he stood in a Far North Side 7-Eleven, having just learned he held a $1 million-winning instant lottery ticket.

Less than a month later, Khan, 46, died at his West Rogers Park home — of apparent hardening of the arteries. But now, Khan’s death has been reclassified as a homicide, and investigators say he died from cyanide poisoning.

Cook County Medical Examiner Stephen Cina says an initial exam initially found Urooj Khan died of natural causes, however a relative asked officials to investigate further.

Following a full toxicology test, it was revealed Khan ingested a deadly amount of cyanide and his death was re-classified as a homicide.

Khan died on July 20, one day after collecting the $425,000 lump sum for his $1 million lottery win.

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