
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Samuel L. Jackson said "Django Unchained"

That's what "Django Unchained" star Samuel L. Jackson told a shocked TV interviewer recently.

        Jackson was being grilled about his work in the latest Quentin Tarantino movie when Jake Hamilton of Houston's Fox TV affiliate brought up the use of the word in the film.

Samuel L. Jackson and Kerry Washington star in 'Django Unchained.'

Jackson was then asked if he would say the word.
"There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the usage of the N-word in this movie," Hamilton said to Jackson.

Hamilton finally gave up on the subject, but not before saying it was a great question. To which Jackson responded, "it wasn't a great question if you can't say the word."

Tarantino's western, which also stars Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio and Kerry Washington, has been criticized by some for its use of the N-Word and gratuitous violence. Famed director Spike Lee says he's boycotting the movie.

"American Slavery Was Not A Sergio Leone Spaghetti Western. It Was A Holocaust. My Ancestors Are Slaves. Stolen from Africa. I Will Honor them," Lee tweeted.

Samuel L. Jackson dares interviewer to say the n-word

A post on Reddit last night has unearthed a prime example. Two weeks ago, the "Django Unchained" cast sat down with Jake Hamilton, host of Houston's Emmy-winning film show Jake's Takes, at a press junket.

Things went smoothly enough until Hamilton approached Jackson with a question about the movie's controversial use of the "n-word." Jackson insisted that Hamilton, who is white, say the word out loud; after Hamilton repeatedly refused, they moved on. It was uncomfortable.

"The most awkward moment was just seeing everyone in the room freeze, and waiting to see what my reaction was going to be," Hamilton says today.

The internet reaction has been mixed. Many commenter claims that Hamilton should have simply said the word, while others applaud the reporter for not caving to Jackson's demand. Hamilton says that his decision was in the best interest of the show and the network.


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