
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Scott Sterling found dead at 32

         Scott Sterling, 32, the son of Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling, was found dead in his Malibu, Calif. home on Jan. 1, 2013, according to authorities.

The Los Angeles Times reports his family released a statement saying, “Our son Scott has fought a long and valiant battle against Type 1 Diabetes… His death is a terrible tragedy, the effects of which will be felt forever by our family and all those who knew and loved him.”

The statement continued, “We sincerely appreciate the warm outpouring of sympathy and support from so many of our dear friends.”

The death cast a pall on what has been a joyous season for the Clippers, normally an NBA doormat but now among the league's best teams. The team is in first place in its division and had a franchise-record 17-game winning streak that was snapped Tuesday night.

The Clippers were at Golden State on Wednesday night.

"All our thoughts and prayers go out to the Sterling family," coach Vinny Del Negro said. "Tough day for everybody in the Clippers' organization, but just thinking about Mr. and Mrs. Sterling with their loss. That's first and foremost on everybody's mind today when we had our meeting this morning. Not an easy situation. I just hope they know that we're thinking about them and that the team is, and we'll be back soon. Things like this put things in perspective real quick. I know a lot of good thoughts and prayers are in that locker room with them tonight. That's the first and foremost thing."

Team President Andy Roeser issued a statement saying "Scott was a friend to many in the Clippers' family and he will be greatly missed."

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